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It’s no secret that kids are notorious germ magnets. And it’s not intentional! It is just a part of being a child. Tactile learning and touch are essential for a child’s growth in physical abilities, cognitive and language skills and also social and emotional interactions. Although learning through touch is an important part of learning, it comes with the inevitable: GERMS.
Who Spreads Germs
Everyone. Toddlers, kids, teens, adults, animals, and you name it.

When Do Germs Spread
Every second of everyday. It really spreads during large gatherings or heavily populated settings like school, work, concerts, movies, hospitals, clinics, and etc. This happens when many things are touched by many people after they are contaminated with germs. They may touch things like doorknobs, elevator buttons, and etc.

Why Do People Spread Germs
It’s not intentional. Germs are microscopic. If people could actually see them with the human eye, there’s a great chance that many people would become germaphobes because of the germ’s appearance. And because people can’t see them, they continue living life and touching everything as normal.

What Can Be Done to Keep My Kids Healthy
- Keep hands out of face. Germs are all over the hands. And the best way for the germs to enter the body is an opening on the face. So, if they were to rub their eyes or nose and put things in their mouths…then that would be the main entrance. Encourage them to use their arm to rub their face or use their shirt instead if a napkin is not available.
- Wash hands frequently.
- Exercise daily. Run and play. Stay active. Because research shows that exercise can stimulate cellular immunity by increasing the circulation of immune cells in your body.
- Visit the doctor and dentist for regular checkups.
- Take vitamins and supplements daily. Did you know that 70% of your child’s immune system is located in their digestive tract? This is why it is important to strive for optimal gut health.
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- Stay current on vaccinations.
- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies. Also, increase water intake. Stay away from sugar because sugar weakens the immune system.
- Take a probiotic daily. The immune system is located in the gut. You want to keep the healthy bacteria balanced in there.
- Get plenty of rest. Your body heals and recuperates when resting.
Moderate-intensity physical exercises stimulate cellular immunity, while prolonged or high-intensity practices without appropriate rest can trigger decreased cellular immunity, increasing the propensity for infectious diseases [14, 15].
da Silveira, M. P., da Silva Fagundes, K. K., Bizuti, M. R., Starck, É., Rossi, R. C., & de Resende E Silva, D. T. (2021). Physical exercise as a tool to help the immune system against COVID-19: an integrative review of the current literature. Clinical and experimental medicine, 21(1), 15–28.