How To Safely Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally

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What is dandruff?

How To Safely Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally? Dandruff is a common condition that causes the skin on the scalp to flake. It isn’t anything serious. But it can be overbearing to handle. Many people use over the counter shampoos to treat it and that is great if it works for you. However, many people are now realizing the harsh effects that chemicals have on their bodies. So, they elect a more natural approach.

What causes dandruff?

As I said earlier, dandruff is a common condition that causes the skin on the scalp to flake. There are several factors that causes dandruff. And they are as follows:
Dry skin
Oily, irritated skin
Contact dermatitis caused by many hair products
A yeast-like fungus known as malassezia that feeds on oils on the scalps of most adults
 Diseases that affect the nervous system also seem to increase risk of dandruff. (Ex. A weakened immune system cause by a disease)
Other skin conditions

Who has dandruff?

Although dandruff is more prevalent in males. Anyone can have dandruff. Ranging from childhood to mature adults. It is important to seek a dermatologist to receive a proper diagnosis of your skin condition before treating yourself. In doing so, you could potentially cause more damage to your skin.

Normal Treatments

Normal treatments include the following:

1. Selenium sulfide shampoos (Head & Shoulders Intensive, Selsun Blue, others). 

2. Pyrithione zinc shampoos (DermaZinc, Head & Shoulders, others). 

3. Tar-based shampoos (Neutrogena T/Gel, Scalp 18 Coal Tar Shampoo, others). 

4. Ketoconazole shampoos (Nizoral Anti-Dandruff). 

5. Shampoos containing salicylic acid (Jason Dandruff Relief Treatment Shampoo, Baker P&S, others). 

6. Fluocinolone shampoos (Capex, Derma-Smoothe/FS, others). 

7. Prescription-strength shampoo or a steroid lotion.

Also, if you notice that your usual shampoo began losing its effectiveness, that’s completely normal. Just switch it up to another shampoo. However, once everything is under control, try using the medicated shampoo less frequently for maintenance and prevention.

A Simple and Natural Way to Remove Dandruff

Tools Needed

Spray Bottle

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)


Making Solution

1. In an empty bottle, pour half apple cider vinegar.

2. Next, pour half water.

3. Then, mixed thoroughly.

4. Now, generously spray on scalp and massage scalp.

5. Next, wrap head in towel or in plastic cap and let sit for 15 minutes.

6. Finally, rinse with cool water and continue usual hair routine.

You want to do this twice a week to maintain the results.

Why does it work so well?

Because the acidity in the ACV prohibits the dandruff from producing.

Other Things to Do to Reduce Dandruff

1. Eat a healthy diet. By eating healthy, this helps provides nutrients to prevent dandruff.

2. Manage stress. Stress affects your overall health, which makes you susceptible to a number of conditions and diseases.

3. Limit hair products. Too many hair-styling products can build up on your hair and scalp, making them oilier.

4. Create a hair and scalp care routine that suits you.

5. Get a little sun. Sunlight is good for controlling dandruff. So, spend a little time outdoors. And be sure to wear sunscreen on your face and body.