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How to Potty Train While Traveling is some that I learned about personally. Parents, I understand that potty-training is an adventure. It’s a challenge all by itself. And most of it is just childhood development. I have trained all of my children to use the restroom and it was no easy task. I have both boys and girls, so I have had my fair share of experiences. One thing that I can tell you is that all kids are different. But no matter what routine you decide to use, the key is consistency.
Emergency Urinal Portable
The Emergency Toilet Urinal does works for long distance car driving, outdoor camping, hiking, traffic jam, etc. An excellent gear for your outdoor activities! Emergency Urinal is made of international environmental protection material, light weight, about 60 grams, portable, reusable hygienic, flexible, sealed.
Traveling While Potty Training

How to Potty Train While Traveling is something that I personally learned from experience. I had everything working out perfectly at home but eventually, life happened, and I had no choice but to go with the flow. So, I decided to take everything that I could with me and continue helping my babies. I must say that traveling with potty training kids is a superchallenge. I am not saying that it is impossible. But it can be stressful for the child and yourself. The main objective is to try to keep the child comfortable so he/she can perform like they would at home. And if you are like me, I was not fond of public restrooms. However, at the same time I didn’t want to destroy the progress that was made. So, I tried a different approach.
Things Needed When Traveling and Potty Training
small trash liners
a urinal
1 gallon of water
baby wipes and/or tissue
Hand soap and/or hand sanitizer

Get a urinal that can be used for both sexes.
Let the child stand in back area of vehicle on the floor not the seat.
They can squat or stand. Whichever is more comfortable.
If they have to pee, place the urinal securely cupping genitals. (It also adjusts to hold more liquids.)
When finish, add water to urinal and shake. Pour in nearby grass.
Disinfect urinal and sanitize hands.
If child has to poop

Travel Potty
This portable potty provides consistent potty training for the child to use on the go and in and out of the home to aid routine. Kids can take it to the nursery, on summer holidays and for days out. Easily portable, it also hangs from pushchair handles. No liners are needed for this potty. It’s better for the environment, and easy to empty and clean, with an extra-tall splashguard making it suitable for both boys and girls. The only potty with a leak-proof seal, so there’s never any mess. Click here to purchase
Steps Using the Potty on the Go
Remove bowl of potty and place in trash liner.
Now replace seat.
Allow child to sit on potty somewhere in car. Preferably in the back seat or trunk area if you have a SUV.
Once finish, wipe and tie bag.
Throw in nearest trash and sanitize hands.
Disinfect items and store aside till later.
These things really helped us. So, give it a try to see if it will help alleviate stress for you and your babies on the go.
Helpful Books about potty training
This book was written by Brandi Brucks. She is the Director of Your Village Consulting, a parenting consulting company in Austin, Texas. As a Potty Training Consultant and Behavior Specialist, she potty trains children as young as 21 months up to 4 years old. She also helps children correct sleep issues and establish healthy sleeping habits. She holds a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education from Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts.
During her many years working as a nanny she had no clue that your child’s “business” would end up being her business, too. But after caring for numerous children of potty training age one thing had become abundantly clear―potty training was her calling. She’s successfully potty trained more than a hundred children, and she’s helped their parents get through it without losing their minds.