10 Insider Beginner Gardening Tips

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10 Insider Beginner Gardening Tips will help beginner gardeners. It’s advice that would definitely prevent costly mistakes. And in gardening, you will make mistakes. But these tips will give you some insight on what to expect.

Everyone makes mistakes. Even professionals make mistakes. But here are some tips that should help you out when beginning your garden.

Measure your space. You need to know what you are working with before planting anything.

Plan your garden. Now that you have the measurements, you can decide what you would like to grow by drawing a plan. And placing your plants properly according to characteristics and features.

Start small. Gardening is a lot of work. Do not over stress yourself with information overload. As you become more experienced, you will expand.

Grow vining plants in containers. You can train them to grow upwards instead of traveling the ground. This makes it easier to manage.

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Plants love the sun. Make sure that you choose a location that gets 8-10 hours of sunlight daily.

Start with easy plants like basil, lettuce, tomatoes, mint, and marigolds.

Find out your Plant Hardiness Zone. This tells you which plants are best for your location.

Use Copper Tape on your pots or staple to raised flower beds. The slugs cannot adhere to the tape, and it plops right off.

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Water correctly. Best time to water is before sunrise and after sunset. If watering during the day, water will quickly evaporate. If water gets on the leaves during the hot time of the day, the leaves may burn.

Mulch plant to retain water in soil.

Be patient. Gardening takes time.