Use your voice and Google Docs
Tech Tips Everyone Can Use can benefit almost everyone. For example, if you already use your phone’s speech to text to dictate text messages or emails, this tech tip is for you. Did you know you could do the same in Google documents? It’s free and it works well. All you have to do is open a new document in Google Docs. Then, go find tools in the menu bar and enable voice typing. Click the microphone icon when prompted and start dictating. Voice typing recognizes commands like comma, period and new paragraph as well. Try it out.

Remove Apps That You No Longer Use

If you haven’t used an app in over 6 months, delete it so that you can avoid vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.
Secure Mobile Devices
- Create difficult mobile passwords, nothing personal that people can guess. Use combinations of numbers, letters, and symbols.
- Install apps only from trusted sources. If it looks sketchy, it probably is.
- Keep your device updated for security reasons
- Avoid sending personal information over texts or emails like ssn
Typing Mistake
ACCIDENTALLY TYPED WITH THE CAPS LOCK BUTTON ON? Try this. Highlight the text and hit ‘Shift + F3’ and it will change anything from uppercase to lowercase and vice versa.
Use the Spacebar on your iPhone or Android
Double tap the space bar on your smartphone keyboard to end a sentence. You’ll get a period, a space, and the next letter will be capitalized. This will work for both iPhones and Androids.