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Did you know that smells are the closest sense tied to memories? When a smell enters your nose, it sends a signal to the brain that is related to emotions and memory.
It’s like when you smell freshly baked gingerbread cookies, and you automatically have a flashback of opening gifts as a 10-year-old on Christmas day. Or the smell of a tar reminds you of when you were learning to ride a bike as a child because of how many times you fell. Smells triggers memories that are both good and bad. And some of those smells that you encounter in life will not smell so pleasant.
Powerful cleaning laundry detergent sheets consist of surfactants and enzymes that help remove various stains like oil, red wine, blood, and coffee from your clothes. It is great for sensitive skin because it contains no irritating ingredients that cause skin issues. It not only gets rid of stains with incredible cleaning power and great for sensitivity but it’s not wasteful to the environment.
What Are Some Tough Smells to Remove from Clothing

Some examples of tough smells include sweat, foot odor, perfume, cologne, chemicals.
It is important to know that if you have any clothes saturated in VOC (volatile organic compound) that you do not put it in the washing machine. Doing this can cause an explosion. Ex. gasoline, oil, etc.
Also, do not just toss in the trash because of its ability to spontaneously combust.
Just contact your local authorities to inquire the proper way to dispose of the item.
Method to Remove Tough Smells from Clothes
Tools Needed
Spray bottle
Distilled White Vinegar

First, Pour vinegar in spray bottle.

Second, If the item is smelly in one area…saturate that area. And let it sit for 4 hours. If possible, overnight. Then wash as normal the next day.

Third, if a few clothes are smelly, place in a bucket and soak in vinegar overnight.
But if an entire load is smelly, add 1 cup of vinegar to your load and run water in the drum to let it soak for a few hours or overnight.